
by Android Course, Technion



For many students and especially the freshmen students in the Technion its hard to socialize/ interact with people and build friendships.So, our app is offering a way to know new people by sharing your time together doing something youboth like. Also, our application will be the reference for people that are stressed and need some quality time. By registering to the clubs that you are interested in you are interacting with new people and having quality time during the stressed days. Core Features:- Create/join clubs in all sort of interesets.- Create regular/one time events for each club.- Choose coming/not interisted to join the event before its date.- See your upcoming events in the main screen.- See top 3 rated users.Compelemntary Features: - Signup and login with your email, Google.- Limit the number of participants in an event. - Add youre own avatar.- Earn points by being active in events and clubs.